We welcome all new riders who wish to join the club and offer the following:
- Club social activities (including end of month dinners, BBQ's)
- Organised group rides (including Sunday rides, midweek rides and trips away)
- Seasonal newsletters with latest Club info
- Website account with email notifications
- Opportunity to be on the committee or take a lead role such as ride captain
- Recognition by other Jewish motorcycle clubs when travelling interstate or overseas
- Technical assistance with bike problems or purchases
- Discounts on various products & services
Annual fees are $40, or $60 for a couple (family member)
Please review the following important information for new members to help get you acquainted with the club:
- Register on this site
- Read and be familiar with our ride protocol. Safety while group riding is paramount, where people ride predictably and follow a common set of guidelines
- Get to know who's who by checking out the member profiles
- Checkout the rides to see where we're riding to each week
- If you're not able to ride that week, come down and enjoy a coffee or breakfast with us
- Finally if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email any of the committee members
Member application
Club membership is open to anyone, regardless of gender or religion. The Club’s constitution specifies that the Club must remain under the control of Jewish members, so only Jewish Committee members can be voted in to lead and make policy decisions relating to the Club’s functioning and membership issues. Only paid up members, Jewish or non-Jewish, may vote for Committee members, the president and vice president.
Note: Non-membership does not preclude anyone from participating in Club rides and activities.
Member Benefits:
- organised group rides
- club social activities
- access to website
- seasonal newsletters with latest club info
- opportunity to be on the committee or take a lead role such as ride captain
- recognition by other Jewish motorcycle clubs when riding interstate or overseas
- technical assistance with bike problems or purchases
- discounts on various products & services
- club organized rider training, maintenance and competition days for those interested
- making new friends.
Payment methods
1. Online EFT - include your name and ‘YOW’ as the transaction reference
BSB: 633000 Account #: 142594621
2. Cheque payable to ‘YOW MTC’ and posted to
PO Box 363
Elsternwick VIC 3185