This ride protocol is a set of guidelines to help us meet our mutual objectives of riding safely and everyone enjoying the ride.
Reputable motorcycle clubs throughout the world all adhere to similar ride protocols.
YOW MTC requests that all riders be familiar with this document.
Before the Ride
- Ensure your insurance, registration and license is up to date.
- If you have any physical or medical condition, or are under the influence of any substances or medicines, in the interest of safety for all, consider not riding until you’re fit again.
- Ensure your bike is mechanically and legally ready for the ride. Any problems put safety at risk and will inconvenience others. Conduct your own bike safety check before leaving home; check oils, brakes, the chain, belt tension, lights, turn signals, tyre tread depth, tyre pressures, any loose accessories and personal rider equipment.
- Fill up with fuel before arrival at the ride meeting point.
- Arrive at the correct time (check the ‘Departure Point’ link on the website if in doubt) to ensure youdon’t miss the pre-ride briefing. Take note of who the Ride Leader and Tail End Charlie are.
- Make sure your ICE (In Case of Emergency) details are registered and up to date.
During the Ride
- Compliance with the road regulations and speed limits is the responsibility of each rider. Each rider has a responsibility to other road users, as well as an additional responsibility to the riding group. Please bear this in mind and at all times ride with consideration for other road users.
- The ride is conducted under the direction of the designated Ride Leader. Follow the Ride Leader’s instructions, and never overtake the Ride Leader (unless by prior arrangement – see Point 9). If there are enough bikes to warrant it, there will also be a Tail End Charlie (TEC) appointed who rides at the rear, wearing a yellow vest. The TEC ensures no riders fall behind them.
- If a few riders wish to speed ahead of the group, they should arrange with the Ride Leader before departing and agree the point of separating and a later meeting point. Keep in mind that tearing off on your own to suit a particular riding style is fine but may erode the notion of group comradeship.
- When riding in a close group in traffic or through towns, staggered formation is best practice. This keeps the group together so less chance of being split by lights or cars while maintaining safety. This formation has bikes in 2 lines, about 1/3 and 2/3 across the same lane respectively in alternating positions, with separation to the next bike in the line as per the next point.
- Maintain a safe ride distance from the bike in front of you, based on two seconds for dry conditions and extend this space to three or four seconds in the wet. Note: This timing is gauged by selecting a fixed point (e.g. a line on the road) as the bike in front of you passes and counting the time it takes you to arrive at the same point. Get into the habit of regularly checking this timing. Safe riding in any formation requires continual concentration!
- Use head checks, turn signals and, where appropriate, hand signals to provide warnings of change of direction, lane changes or hazardous road conditions.