Ride to: Williamstown

Start Finish:

Sunday, 16 September, 2012 - 09:00 to 12:00




Cafe J'adore 504 Centre Rd Bentleigh (near the corner of Centre and Jasper Rds), Williamstown


Richard Phillips


This Sunday is the YOW official monthly ride and the weather for once is looking perfect for riding. The committee decided that the original plan for Ballart shule should be postponed in preference for a shorter ride with it being erev chag. The destnation is Williamstown but with a bit of a ride around the west side of the bay first. Short and relaxing, should be home before midday. Departing the usual place & time. Hope to see you there. And Shana tovah to all those I don't get the chance to catch up with on Sunday.


Riders today were: batya, reuven, mike, pres Dave (tec), John & Maria, volvi, avi, johnno, sam and richard. Colin & Joel were also at the cafe. Batya, reuven and mike peeled off somewhere east of the bridge to attend to Yom tov commitments, the rest of us continued over the bridge, took the point cook exit and then followed the coast along meandering, through altona to willi. There were some surprisingly nice beaches and beachfront properties. There was also a very rough stretch of road in altona but fortunately nothing fell off any of the non-Jap bikes, pillions included :-) in fact john reported his gas suspension worked a treat. Coffee & stroll in willi, back 11:45, relaxing morning, (in contrast to the 17 guests we had over tonight, the last of which just left!), 80km. route map image below (to view, expand the 'photos' section below...)